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Buying a House

Listing Your
Home With Us!

Real estate is not just our job, it's our passion. We have a passion for serving others and to make sure that our clients are 100% taken care of. We are not satisfied unless you are. With over 30 combined years in the industry, we have completed hundreds of transactions and have learned from every one of them. Through each hurdle, we have learned what customers pain points are and how to fix them. This has helped our customer service out tremendously. Because we have a passion for serving others, we believe in educating our clients so that they can make well informed decisions with their housing needs.

When we're interviewing our clients, we ask them what's the most important thing that they look for in an agent. We would say that most people are looking for a great communicator, someone that is easy to get a hold of and is not too busy for them. You will find that we are super easy to get a hold of, and will communicate with you over multiple platforms (phone, email, text, in person, video email/text). 


Far too many agents disappear after the transaction is closed. With Best Life Realty Group, that doesn't happen. Our goal in real estate is to build life lasting relationships. We are not looking to earn your business, rather looking for your relationship.  You will be very satisfied with our service and that's how we continue to grow our business. That is our promise to you! 

Now that you have learned a little about us, lets talk about how we handle marketing your home for sale!

Pre-Listing Inspection

We have recently started doing pre-listing inspections because of the way the market has been in 2021. With limited inventory, buyers have been offering to purchase homes as-is, sometimes even  site unseen. Once they get their foot in the door, they still have an inspection, and once they get that report back, they start to get Buyer's Remorse.

We noticed a lot of contracts falling through more than usual. We realized quickly that we should be doing inspections upfront to save a lot stress for our sellers. We handle scheduling / paying for the inspection, reviewing report and letting you know what things you should address before we list your home, and can help manage the repairs (if any). This should save you stress and set you up for a successful sale!

Listing video

Each house is unique in it's own way. The best way to gain attention to your home is by showing off its features in video. We try to get creative with each house by showing off the main features that would attract the right buyer to your home. We don't do listing videos on every house that I list, but if the seller is willing to let us come into their home for a few hours and shoot, we will! Our main job as your agent is to properly market your home. Sticking a sign in the yard and throwing it on the MLS  is not how we roll!

Check out this coming soon video we did for a client of ours. This video was professionally done and distributed throughout our social media channels, as well as running paid ads to get the word out!

Professional Photos

For each home that we list, we will hire a professional photographer to come out and take lots of hi-resolution photos. We have taken my own pictures in the past with our handy iPhone's, but we have learned over the years hiring a professional really brings out the detail in your home which attracts potential buyers to come look at your house. 

Property Website

Once the professional photos are done, we will build out a property website that will showcase all of the features of your home. This website will show the photos, slideshow, local neighborhood info, school info, etc. This is a great way for someone to learn about the property and the area on one site. We will drive traffic to this site via social media!

Franklin Township Home For Sale

Just Listed Facebook Post

It's 2023, even our mom's uses Facebook. Why wouldn't we use Facebook to market your home? It's free! We typically will do some pre-marketing on Facebook, and when the listing is live, we will link back to that property website as mentioned above. This is a great place to start the marketing process to get peoples eyes on it. We are also connected with other agents on social media, so this helps that side of things as well.

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MLS and Property Syndication

As a licensed brokerage, we will list your home on the MLS system as well. As you may know, almost 90% of buyers begin their home search online. The MLS is a very powerful system that is linked with all local agents, and also buyers. Agents should have their buyers set up on a search to be notified as listings come up. As soon as we list here, these agents and buyers should all get an email with your listing (as long as it matches their search criteria). 

Once its posted here, all of our listings are syndicated through the other main websites that you probably have used a time or two. It will go out to Realtor dot com, Zillow, Trulia, and dozens of other websites. It usually takes about 12-24 hours for it to fully syndicate to those sites. We usually tell my clients to google your address about 24 hours after going live.

Pau Linn - Indianapolis Real Estate Broker


The day we choose to take your listing live, we will come out and put in the For Sale sign in the yard. Signs are the old school method for getting the word out, but about 2% of sales still come from yard signs and work better in higher traffic areas. Signs are still a great way to spread the word with your neighbors, helps realtors find your property easier for showings, etc.

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Buying a House

So what do you think? I would be happy to discuss any questions you may have or go over your pain points with you. 

Contact Us
Please fill out the form below and I will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Contact Us

Thanks for reaching out!

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Tel: 317-629-0070 


Mibor #31180

License #RB14045492

Brokerage License #RC52100293


2024 - Paul Linn - Managing Broker with Best Life Realty Group

10211 Goose Rock Lane, Indianapolis, IN 46239

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